Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pre-Visit Hospital Call

Just called the hospital and talked to the charge nurse about Joshua's frame of mind today.  We will be going down this evening for a visit,  always a good idea to know what you are walking into.

Joshua had an accident today and had to get cleaned up.   The were unable to get him into the shower and ended up just using a washcloth as he lay on his bed.  The charge nurse said he did pretty well with it and has not shown any aggressiveness today.  Good news is he is out staying out of the isolation room.

He still has not eaten and has not been drinking much at all.  This makes day 5 without a regular meal.  Not like Joshua to skip meals.  Normally he wants to eat all the time.  I am very worried that he is depressed about this whole situation.  Missing being home.  I know when we get there he is going to want to come home with us and then we will see how his mood is when we have to leave. This is always one of the toughest parts of him being in the hospital.  First the fact that he is not home then him begging us to come home when we go to visit.

They have not given him any medication at all since he has been in the hospital.  He was on so many to stop them all so quickly I am sure gives his little body a shock.

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