Thursday, October 11, 2012

10/11/12 Crazy Night

I know my wife is going to be tired all day.  Son did not sleep well last night at all.  Its enough to make the whole house cranky when he does this up and down.  Since he did not nap yesterday I am wondering where he had the energy to be awake at all last night.

Most all of the required documents have been delivered to the residential treatment facility.  I sure hope this is what will help him get better control over his actions.  I hope they can teach us the techniques to help him.  I am not sure if he will understand everything that is going on.  It is going to be very rough on the family not having him home for so long.  He is a part of us and it is going to be hard with him being so far away.  I am very frustrated with the fact that nothing has helped for very long over the years of dealing with this disorder. Three stays in short term hospitalization.  Each being less successful it seems.  But I guess with less restraints that is positive.  Just wish the outburst he had were not as aggressive as they are.

This is just a rambling day it appears so I will stop here.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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