Monday, September 10, 2012

9/10/12 Failure To Launch

I am seeing a common action between our lives and the lives of other parents in our support group of children with bipolar disorder.  The kids just do not want to go to school.  Now a normal kid you can make them go but a kid who rages,  you could get seriously hurt.  I don't know quite what the link is between bipolar and dread of school.  What makes them willing to fight to avoid it?  How can this child get the socialization skills they need if they are never in that setting.  Just getting Joshua out of the house for any trip is rough.  But getting him to go to school is quickly becoming a battle we lose more often than we win.

He was up quite a bit last night.  I know he has to be a bit tired.  Well I base this on how I feel from getting up with him.  We have asked for home bound, lets see if the district follows through.  Not real healthy for me to be inside this box all day every day but don't really have a choice in that.

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