Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9/4/12 Call With School

Well the call with the school went about as I expected.  She was just gathering information so she could push up the request for home bound education services.  I can tell we are in for some long days ahead.  She explained to me that her concerns were that if we did start home bound the tendency Josh would have not to return to school.  I told her if we can't get him in school we should bring school to him.  I am not all that excited about him being home around the clock myself.  But we have to add the school structure to his schedule one way or another.  I understand we would only be looking at 4-6 hours of service a week with more of his educational requirements falling under my responsibility.  We are also looking at him being in residential treatment for about three months this fall.  But we have to get something started or we are going to be in worse shape than we were at the end of the year last year.  It is two steps forward and three steps back with this kiddo right now.

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