Tuesday, September 4, 2012

9/4/12 Great Night Defiant Morning

Josh slept great last night.  He did not wake up once all night long.  This is the first night in a long time that this has been the case.  This morning he got out of bed easily was awake and alert.  Had breakfast and was in a playful mood.

All this changed rather quickly when he realized it was a school day.  When he came to that realization he laid down on the floor and began saying "I no like to go to school".  We did everything short of picking him up and dragging him out the door.  I have written about his size and abilities when it comes to a fight.  We choose our battles, the ones where there is no chance anyone will end up in the hospital.  This is not a battle we could win without 911 having to be called.  I told him there would be no tv or electronics until he went to school.  No playtime. No treats.  None of this had any effect on his stance.  So there he is still on the floor.  Here I am at home.  I think for me, being stuck at home and at my wits end as to what to do for this boy is what triggers my depression.  After 5 days of not being outside or running into other humans all day I am a basket case.  When I start feeling that way I have to remember I can take a break when mom gets around,  he does not have that ability to take a break from his thoughts, he has to live in his head.

With this pattern already developing I have notified the school we will need to look into home bound education and they would need to call an ARD to get the ball rolling on that.  Lets see how long this takes.

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