Saturday, September 8, 2012

9/8/12 Would You Like Some Cheese With That Whine

Today has been one of those days were all he has done is whine.  No matter what we have done he has not let up.  He could be eating one thing and in between bites whining for something else.  Those who know what I look like can now understand why I have no hair.  

We did get some news from BTTC the behavior intervention residential facility.  They will be doing an assessment on him on the 26th and if he meets requirements for placement we could get him into that program by the end of the year maybe.  Crossing our fingers because we have about run out of ideas.

He was up bright and early this morning and has been going all out all day long.  He was one tired little fella tonight.  I sure hope he sleeps all night like he did last night.

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