Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So frustrating

We're trying to take things one day at a time, but it's getting so frustrating.  As soon as Joshua takes one step forward, it seems like he takes two steps back.  Bryan described Joshua's start to school and his steady decline back into aggressive behavior.  It's so hard for me to be at work all day and I can't do anything to help either of them.  We decided to let Joshua go on Homebound for school, but they've rejected it.  Now they want another ARD meeting...for what?  They don't understand and I've given up hope that they will.  We're trying to ride it out until the assessment meeting at the residential treatment center.  Maybe they can give us a timeline for when we can get him into treatment.  After I heard from Bryan that Josh was aggressive with him again today, I stopped to take a break and look at my devotional from this morning (didn't get to it until now :( ). 

It's titled "From Tears to Triumph" by Mary Southerland:  Toward the end of the devotional she states, "You see, it is easy to have faith and to trust God when the wind is still, the waters are calm and the nets are full of fish, but the true measure of our faith is in the midst of the howling storm. His comfort is best realized when our pain is strongest. The darker it gets, the brighter His light shines. We may be down, girlfriend, but we are never out because God is the Shepherd of every valley, Lord of every storm and Friend of the wounded heart."

Give me strength, dear Lord, through this storm!

God Bless!

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