Wednesday, September 5, 2012

9/5/12 Shocked and Amazed

I fell asleep last night about 1030 and was just getting to the good part of my fishing dreams.  You know right after you set the hook and the fish is just about to break the water for your first glimpse?  Just as I felt the line go tight and the fish is headed to the surface I hear a noise.  What could that be?  Oh snap Joshua is awake and now my fish will never be seen.  It's one in the morning and I hear "wakey wakey" come through the monitor.  I know when he says that he getting ready to wake the house.  Then I hear him fumbling around getting out of bed and heading to the living room.  I caught him half way through the living room, and shuffled him to the sofa.  Now I prepare for what is gonna happen next.  Normally he begins to holler for everyone in the house but not this time.  He sits quietly there for a few minutes then decides to go back to bed.  Yes bullet dodged.  I walk him back to his bed and cover him give him a kiss then hurry back to my bed as his eyes close.  This whole thing took about 20 minutes.  I am feeling mighty proud of myself for getting him back down so fast.  But wait there are always two shoes and only one had dropped.  He mumbled for about 10 more minutes in bed before I hear that sound I love, deep restful breaths.  I settle back in and dose off once again but my fishing trip ended and the boat was no where in sight.  Sleeping pretty good when at 215 I hear rustling in the monitor again.  I get up and go to his bedroom door and he has no covers on,  I go in cover him up and go back to bed.  Just as I lay down he starts to talk.  I lay there for another 15 minutes until his deep restful breaths return.  I return to my slumber yet again.  Shortly after three the words flow through the monitor which causes a few choice words to cross my lips.  I get up and he is coming out of his bedroom wants others up but managed to get him to the sofa.  He sat there and talked and grunted and kicked his feet for a little bit but reserved himself to the fact it was he and I awake.  I sat at the table and he put his head back on the back of the sofa.  I thought a few times about helping him lay down but once he gets approached to do something he don't care to do just yet it can turn into an even longer night.  I decide to sit and watch him.  Once again with his head back he seems to be going to sleep.  After what seemed like forever I am convinced he is out and decide to go back to bed.  About 45 minutes this time.  As I am getting up to go back to bed I look over at him and a big smile comes across his face,  then a giggle.  He does this three times.  So much better than having nightmares.  He is dreaming good dreams.  I head back to bed.  Sleeping once again feels so good.  And my wife rolls over and says "here he comes"  about that time his head pops around the wall that leads into our bedroom.  Mom and I talk him down.  Josh go set of the sofa and we will be in we just have to have a little more sleep, just a few more minutes and we will be up.  Close to time for the alarms to go off anyhow.  Trying to squeeze just a little more sleep in we dose until the alarm goes off and my wife hits the floor running.   Me I just need a few more minutes.  Twenty minutes later I am up getting his pills while he is eating breakfast with mom.  Now pill time is not till six so there are a few minutes between when they are done with breakfast and pill time.  In those few minutes he drops off the sofa to the floor and starts getting defiant.  Not wanting to take his pills.  Mom has gone on to start getting dressed and I told him we should be sneaky and take the pills without mom knowing.  It worked he took them quickly.  When mom returned to the room she talked him into brushing his teeth although he had already told us he was not going to school.  Then out of nowhere he wants to go to school if we drive him.  He gets dressed and we are out the door by 645.  Get him to school and he goes right in and takes to his day like a duck to water.  Who would have thought with a night like we had last night that he would be in school today.  This boy always seems to amaze me with his thought process.

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