Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/18/12 Missing in Action

I have not updated the blog much recently. Joshua had been doing better with no aggression to speak of at home. School on the other hand is another story. Every day that he went which wasn't often there was trouble. Except for the first day of course. This is such a battle with him to get him ready and to the bus or even take him to school. As he gets closer to getting to the building his anxiety goes crazy. Friday my wife had a funeral to attend but Joshua had decided he wanted to go to school. This was the first time all week. We encouraged him to go and have a great day at school. But he wanted us to drop him off at school. As we are in the office and the aide from his room arrives to take him to his room, Joshua spins around and goes after my wife hitting her on the side of the head and putting a huge scratch on her forehead. Then threw himself to the floor. We were ushered out the door and around the other door so my wife could get the scratch looked at since blood was now running down into her eyebrows. This is just the first of many fights since Friday. We had another restraint Saturday and one Sunday as well. Then Monday morning he comes after me giving me the same treatment he gave his mom on Friday. Hit with a scratch on the forehead. Again this morning as we are coming out of the bathroom he comes at me all his force. I was able to contain him without any harm to either of us. He was doing so well. There have been no medication changes that would cause this. I just don't understand. I am sorry I have slowed down on this blog I know many of you try to keep up with how Joshua is doing through the blog or the facebook page. I will try to do better.

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