Sunday, August 12, 2012

8/12/2012 Catching Up

It has been a few days since I have posted anything.  Not been feeling to hot myself just feeling really tired and ache all over.  Paula has some of the same aches so not sure what is causing it.

Anyhow back to the subject at hand.  Little man has been so tired he is sleeping all night and most of the day too.  The all night sleeping is great since for several nights he was getting up in the middle of the night and staying up for a couple hours.  But I am worried about him sleeping all the time.  Well sometimes he will stay up for a couple hours but he is sleeping way more than he is awake.  With him doing this he is losing a great deal of muscle tone,  Which is making it harder for him to get around.  We have a follow up Dr appointment on the 16th.  I am hopeful the doctor will reduce the Geodon by a little bit as I think this may be the culprit.
The only good thing about him being so sleepy is he does not have the energy to attack.  But that is just no way for him to live.  It isn't living it is just existing.  There has to be a happy medium where he can get out and do things he likes to do like swimming.  As sleepy as he is I would be afraid to take him swimming.  You know its not good for the rest of the family to be inside all the time either.

We did get some news from the treatment facility but it was just a request for more information.  The wheels are starting to squeak.

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