Friday, August 3, 2012

8/3/12 Medicated Haze

Ok so since we went to the PDOC and the med levels were changed we have no had any aggression to speak of.  However we do have a kid who can not stay awake long enough to sit up for more than 2 hours.  He is so tired he can't even walk to his room.  We know it takes a few days for his system to adjust to medication changes.  I will call the doctor on Monday and let him know how Joshua is doing.  At that time the doctor may adjust the dosage down.  Not getting hit kicked or scratched is good but we don't want him to be a medicated zombie either.

My mom was out doing some things she needed to get done yesterday.  While driving down the freeway she came to a point in traffic where everyone was slowing.  As she slowed someone plowed into her 1500 Chevy from behind.  It is estimated they hit her running about 60 mph.  This turned into a hit and run when they pulled around from behind her and drove off.  Mom was taken to the hospital.  She did not call me to let me know what was going on because she thought I was still home alone with the little fella.  I had called her just to check on her and found out she was in the emergency room and what was going on.  I was able to leave my wife and daughter at home with him and go to the hospital.  Thank goodness as I pulled up they had cleared her for release.  They told her she was gonna be sore but that she was ok, no broken bones.  We went on down picked up he truck and took it to the house.  All in all I was away from home about four hours and there were no physical attacks.

Today mom called me and asked if I would go finish what she did not get done yesterday.  So today again I was gone for several hours with my wife and son home alone together.   No physical attacks today either.

I think he is just too wiped out to fight.  Again while the time to heal is a wonderful thing for we parents it takes a toll on you seeing your child fighting to stay awake.

On a side note I created a facebook page for the blog so everything is going to be in one place.  You can like the page so you don't have to go look and see if it has been updated.  The address is:

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