Sunday, August 5, 2012

8/5/12 Vacation Envy

I have seen several facebook friends post stories and photos of summertime family vacations.  I think that is an important part of childhood.  Growing up making memories that will last a lifetime.  Today is our family reunion on my mom's side of the family.  They have had it the first Sunday in August for as long as I can remember.  Have not made many of them since I grew up and many of my favorite family members have passed.  My mom left yesterday so she could make it to this one.

As I sit here this morning I am realizing that I am really envious that my little guy is not able to travel more than a few miles without going completely out of his mind.  Many years ago when he was little we were able to strap him into his car seat and travel some but not so much any more.  Our last family vacation was a trip to Ft Sill Oklahoma 2 years ago when my oldest son graduated bootcamp.  That trip was made possible because little man was in a wheelchair after having surgery on his foot.  We had a camper with plenty of room and he really wanted to see his bubba.  The trip was pretty smooth considering everything we had to do and how far we had to travel.

I am not saying that a vacation would be impossible.  But at this point with where he is in regards to stability it would not be enjoyable from us or him.  It is heartbreaking to see him spend his entire day sitting on the sofa or laying on the floor.  You want to just pack him up and take him some place where he can have fun.  But when you try that it becomes a struggle to maintain sanity.  And you better have dressed for combat.  The medication change still has him tired all the time.  We are getting some playtime in with him but for the most part he can not stay focused on one activity for very long.  I know a ride in the car of a couple hundred miles would be enough to just send him over the edge.  My wife and I were thinking maybe a camping trip before school starts back up  but we decided to try to bring my oldest son home for a visit before little guy goes into residential behavior therapy, which could last months.  That could happen as soon as next weekend if the planets align just right.  Wish us luck.

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