Tuesday, August 14, 2012

8/14/12 Soap Box

Very few things about folks gets my blood boiling.  One thing has really gotten me this morning.  It was a post of facebook.  It was not so much the post itself that bothered me but the comments from the peanut gallery.

The post
How do you feel about children as young as 3 taking psychiatric medications? There are currently FDA approved psychiatric meds for children ages 3 and up, the most common is Adderall for ADHD. According to clinical psychologist, Dr. Jeff Daly, "really young children can have psychological issues and treating them can be challenging, although we don't reach for medication unless we have tried everything, and there are many successful non-medication treatments for young children." Post your questions here and watch "Ask Dr. Daly" this Wednesday at 7:20am for the answers.

I was going to protect the identities but hell they posted it on facebook so no need to hide anything.

    • Breanna Ramey Daughtridge America The Drugged! :p No way in hell would I medicate a toddler, with that stuff they cause more problems then they solve.
      33 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Jr Delarosa dont like it
      33 minutes ago · 
    • Vance Kincaid ‎99.9% of the time it's wrong
      31 minutes ago · 
    • Stephanie Christine Martin I did a scholarly article last semester about this very issue. From a behaviorist perspective, I think it is foolish to prescribe children drugs to subdue their natural energy and reactions. It is unnatural, addicting, and unhealthy. The problem is that adults are not patient enough with children to teach them behaviors that are socially acceptable, rather than passively stuff their faces with drugs.
      30 minutes ago ·  · 2
    • Yitzi Vargas 
      As a mother to a ADHD child with Tourette syndrome. I don't agree that a child of the age of three should be taking psychotic drugs. I didn't decide to medicate my son till he was 8 years of age. I try alternative treatments before hand. He...See More
      26 minutes ago · 
    • Yitzi Vargas My question to the doctor would be after long use off any type off psychological medications could children develop more psychological problems?
      24 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Lili Gonzalez Palacios ‎...or the Pediatrician tries to make you feel stupid or "missinformed" and asks to see your degree when you refuse to give them things such as Respiridone. Happens ALL the time. "I'm the doctor, I know what's best, you NEED to trust me".
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Antonella Castaldo BIG BU$INESS.
      24 minutes ago · 
    • Cherrie Lou Ilog Echon For me they are not really thinking about the welfare of the child. They are actually doing this for their convenience! They are embarrassed when in public places, when in fact they should be ashamed of themselves. Toddlers can be controlled with proper discipline. Consulting a behavior therapist would be more productive.
      20 minutes ago · 
    • Amy Marie Price well in my case it would be nice I wish this was allowed when my lil girl was that age they wouldnt do any thing tell she was five and went off the deep end. its not for every kid ad if they do it they need to run a grip of test befor saying a 3 year old needs it.
      20 minutes ago · 
    • Bryan Mickle I wonder how many commenting here have children who have issues such as sever bipolar or have even been in a setting where these children exist.
      16 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Amy Marie Price ‎@bryan thats what I was thinking to put them selfs in our shoes for a few hours and they wouldnt last they would be asking for the meds fast.Its bs how every one looks at it as just medicat ing a child well there are a lot of kids who need it
      12 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Norma Jean Kiernan Bryan, I do and it is a tough question. We did not medicate my child until she was about 13, but it did not solve the problem and even now, it's hit and miss. Another of my children was given adderall for ADHD. but it increased his heart rate so much that we had to remove it. All drugs have risks. But I think toddlers should not be experimented with.
      12 minutes ago ·  · 1
    • Bryan Mickle I invite anyone of them to come visit for a month and I will let them see what a bipolar child can do to their thoughts on the medications.
      11 minutes ago · 
    • Katie Simpson My son who's now 5 buy was 4 at the time suffers from really awful night terrors. Our family Dr. Wanted to send him
      To A psychiatrist to be evaluated for medication. I got a second opinion through a Dr. At primary children's. After showing ...See More
      8 minutes ago · 
    • Melissa Kay Fisher A child that young has no business being on medications like that...makes me sick.
      7 minutes ago · 
    • Amy Marie Price yes yes I give em a few hours with my lil girl they would be running for the hills. mind u all she is super smart funny and what not but boy o boy with her adhd and bipolar u wouldnt no what hit u . @ norma yes with meds its always a hit n miss

  • I would be more than happy to open my home for someone with an open mind to come get their arses handed to them by a child who is mutli diagnosis such as my little man.  People who do not live it will never understand.  I am guilty of not understanding it myself until little fella came into our lives.B

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