Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Good Morning

As you can see from Bryan's post last night, we had a rough evening :(  On the bright side, not nearly as bad as we've seen in recent months.  This morning, we had our bright eyed, playful little man back with us for nearly 3 hours!  This is truly the first time we've ever seen him in a medication haze, but he seems to be adjusting just a little more each day...spending less time asleep, more time interacting and playing.

We feel so helpless most of the time.  As Mom, I'm use to being able to "kiss it and make it better", but that's not the case now.  I was able to sit next to him, kiss his face and even read a book with him this morning!!!  Those moments are so few and far between that I try to hold onto them like a lifeline.  I hope it helps him too, there's just no way to know.  And now he's napping while Daddy heads out to the grocery store.  I hope it brings some sense of normalcy to Daddy's life when he can get out of the house and do something.  We realize in these situations how much we take for granted in the world around us.  We are truly grateful for wonderful parents and a few close friends.  And we are very excited about the possibility that we may be able to bring our older son home for just a few days later this month to visit.  Keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer, and hope we can do it!  Our family really needs a few moments together right now!!

God Bless!

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