Thursday, August 23, 2012

8/23/12 Sleep At Last

I was able to catch up on alot of sleep thanks to my wonderful wife last night.  I had laid down at 3 when Joshua went for a nap and had set an alarm for 1 hour.  She got home before my alarm went off so she took the afternoon shift to let me catch up just in case it was another late night.  I woke up about 945 and the whole house was asleep.  I encouraged my wife to go to the bed and not spend another minute on the sofa.  She did and I prepared for the midnight awakening.  He spoke out several times in his sleep but never did fully wake up until 700 am.  I had broken sleep between midnight and 7 as everytime he would say anything we would think he was waking up.  I would go in check on him cover him back up and he would snuggle down and start snoring again.

Today it has been very hard to keep him awake.  I am thinking that the two tenex at night might be half a pill too much.  I will speak of this to the doctor on Monday when we go back.  With that bit of sleep I had I am good for at least another 4 days.

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