Monday, August 27, 2012

8/27/12 The Night Before School

Well he did make it past the 1am mark in a way.   Paula ended up on the other sofa rather early but with just soft whispers ever so often he would drift back off to sleep.  220 am he demanded to see dad then wanted to get aggressive with me which was short lived.  He wants everyone in the house up again but we are trying to make sure she gets the most sleep she can.  She starts her Senior year tomorrow,  we would love to see her finish up with a class rank as close to where she is or higher.  He sits there not even able to hold his head up.  Fighting to stay awake and doing everything he can to wake up everyone in the house.  I know he will be tired tomorrow night, if they can keep him awake at school.   We just have to make it through tonight.

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