Thursday, August 30, 2012

8/30/12 TROUBLE

We had a pretty good morning even though it was an early start.  Little man did real well with his morning rituals eating breakfast, brushing teeth, washing face, getting dressed and waiting for the bus.  When did the trouble start you ask.  As soon as the bus opened the doors and he started to step on.  He locked down with his hands on the rails and pushed back.  Like trying to push a mule.  He did not want to get on the bus and got very upset.  Now normally when he does this someone gets clocked pretty good.  We continued to urge him to get on the bus for a few minutes before he complied and went up the steps.  I could tell for what ever reason he did not want to go.  I sure hope he is able to pull it together and have a good day.  I have this sinking feeling that he will not be having a wonderful day.  So hard to remain positive.

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