Thursday, June 7, 2012

Aggression / Dinner

Mom arrives home Joshua was having a good visit.  Josh wanted a treat for having a good day with no aggression.  Mom had something for him as she was giving it to him he swatted at her with open hand.  Second Aggressive act was throwing her phone at her after asking to look at photos on it.

On the plus side I had made chili for Frito pie. He ate about 2 cups of food for dinner which is the most he has eaten in two days.  We got a weight on him today and he is down to 202.6 lbs that is down from 215.  A gradual weight loss is ok but this has been crazy.  The medications he was on before he would eat non stop if you let him.  Now he is not hungry most of the time, and you have to encourage him to eat.

He has now been out of the bedroom for a little over 2 hours and has let other sit beside him on the sofa.

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