Friday, June 22, 2012

Rough Night

It was a good news, bad news kind of night....good news, Josh went to sleep early and slept in this morning. Bad news, he was awake from 11pm to 4am.  He woke up and had wet the bed.  When we tried to get him cleaned up, all hell broke lose.  We were able to get him cleaned up, changed and back into a clean bed, with the addition of a few bruises for everyone.  Again, no idea what set him off other than what must have been in his head.  I can't decide what's worse, the physical side of all of this, or the emotional/mental side.  What do you do when you don't know what to do?  I have strong faith in the Lord, but it's extremely difficult for me to understand why He's making us wait on answers in this situation.  I read a "humorous" devotional last night (not sure who thinks it's funny) and kept reading scripture explaining that the Lord will provide, rejoice in what the Lord has given you, etc.  Hmmmm, not feelin' it right now.

We have an appointment with the psychiatrist this afternoon.  We're not even sure how we're going to get him there, considering that he doesn't even want to leave his bed most of the day.  And then, how beneficial will it be?  How do we find the words to explain how bad this situation is, how helpless we feel, and how miserable we all are?  Here's hoping something good will happen....


1 comment:

  1. sounds kinda like a night terror... we go through those its like they are awake but theyre not. and they flip out like the hell hounds are gaining on them. and all you can do is your best to get them back into bed. and get them to close their eyes and hope they will wake up for real. we had events that we did all kinds of "normal" things even showering him and it doesnt truly wake them.
    we found that night meds that make them sleep helps a lot. and sometimes a dose of their anti psychotic at bed time helps to alleviate the demons of the night.
