Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Joshua has had tremors in his right hand for years that stem from a prescription.  He was on Benzatropine before the hospital stay to help calm that tremor.  After talking with the Dr last night this was added back into his list of pills to take.  Doctor seems to think that the shaking is causing some increased aggitation along with withdrawal still from the cocktail of medications he was on prior to being in the hospital.  It has been two weeks since he was taken off all medications.  I know it can take up to 30 days for some medications to leave the system all together.

I just want my boy to have as happy of a life as he can.  It breaks my heart to see him spend all day secluded in his room on his bed.  Not wanting to get out of bed or join the family.  Maybe that is why I have been willing to take some beatings, because he was at least engaged with us as a family.

We have a follow up with his doctor tomorrow and he will know this is not the fella he saw about a month ago. That is if we can get him out of bed by 330 tomorrow afternoon.

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