Monday, June 4, 2012

Need Improvement

We had a good visit today with Joshua.  We have been told day after day that he will not eat the food they have at the hospital.  Guess what.  Dad offered him the food they made at the facility and he ate.  He was very hungry.  But with him not eating regular his stomach has shrunk so he can not eat like he did.  Which can be a good thing.  He sat and ate and chatted with us for quite some time.  Then he wanted to go back over by where his room is.  They have a tv in that area he watched about 10 minutes of Scooby Doo then wanted to go to his bed with about 15 minutes of visiting time left.  He did love on us quite a bit, which was nice.  When he was ready to go to his room we told him we would be back tomorrow and he asked if we would bring chicken nuggets. Of course we will.

Now I said this was a good visit, however.  We were told he had a shower 20 minutes before visitation but yet he smelled like he had not had a shower in days.  His shirt even smelled sour.  They still have not found all his clothes.  I know no one can take care of him like mom and dad but don't lie to the parents about what he has and has not done.  Cause mom and dad know.  I would prefer to spend half my visit time making sure he is clean than for someone to tell me something was done and it wasn't.  Of course I called them on this.  I just can't wait till he is stable and home.  To think he is not getting his basic needs met sickens me.

The last hospital stay he had was over two years ago.  I told the male nurse at that hospital on the day I picked him up that it was a good thing Joshua was in the room or someone would be getting their ass beat.  I had to clean him up to bring him home.

Just keep Josh in your prayers that he stabilizes quickly.  We miss his personality.  The sparkle is not in his eyes.  I just hope it is not gone much longer.

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