Thursday, June 28, 2012

Longest Day Ever.

Yesterday was the longest day we have had in a long time.  It was emotionally taxing, and physically exhausting day.

We started off our day in the ER still.  They did bring me in a hospital bed for that last night thank God.  That was my saving grace.  Had I not gotten some sleep there would have been no way I would have made it through the day.  We were discharged at 10 am as we had an appointment at 1130 for him with MHMRA on the other side of Houston.  We had to meet with three different people there and that appointment.   Which took 3 and a half hours.  Joshua did very well at this appointment considering his current state of mind.  He tried very hard to keep himself in check and no one was injured.  After this appointment we contacted his doctor to find out if a bed had been arranged or if we were going home.  He gave us the information on what he had set up then it was a 45 minute drive to Kingood to get to that facility.  We arrived at about 330-400pm and were put in a waiting room with a bunch of other folks.  Which is not something that is a really good idea.  And folks just kept showing up in this room until there was no place to sit.  At one point Joshua told me one lady was too close and she gave me her seat so she was out of danger. He held it together even under those circumstances.  Then we started intake in a room with just us and the intake nurse.  We had him laughing in that little room pretty good for the next few hours.  He was a joy to be around with no aggression.  At about 900 we were taken back to the unit where he would be staying to finish his intake with a physical inspection so they would be covered for prior bruising which he had from blood draws in the hospital ER.  They mark down all marking on a chart.  The follow up questions had my wife wanting to provide a beatdown to a very stupid lady who just continued to ask questions that we had aleady answered.  All the time Joshua is realizing that he was gonna be put into this hospital and Momma and Daddy could not stay with him.  Finally all of the aggression that he had been holding back all day was unleashed on daddy.  And the lady continued while Joshua is yelling and swinging and providing a world class beat down on pops.  Some of this was due to the fact that he had not had his medication.  It is almost 10pm and he normally gets meds at 6pm.  Safe to say his body was really needing those meds.  We finally got meds in and got him to his room where he laid down and got very quiet.  Asking mom "Will you be back?"   She reassured him we would be back to visit very soon and he accepted that answer.  We left that hospital sometime after 10pm.  We had been on the go since 6am and got home close to midnight after stopping to get something to eat on the way home.  Needless to say we slept in this morning.

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