Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dad's Day

Well I was fearful that when mom left to go to her conference that Josh would go off the deep end,  and be more than I could handle.  I am afraid he went the other way.  It is currently 3pm and though he has been awake for many hours I can not get him to come out of his room.  Even when I cooked him the things he asked to have for breakfast.  We got him his medication earlier today and we should be seeing some interaction with him.  He is not being violent in any way shape fashion or form.  Just laying there talking but not to anyone.  This is something that started while he was in the hospital.  I really don't think they got it all right.  There is something missing.  Our little social man is not as social as he was.  We had been reading about withdrawal from some of the medications he was on and the way they stopped them we could see this continue for months, according to the medications information.  It is very frustrating that he can not feel comfortable enough to come spend time with us in the living room.

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