Friday, June 22, 2012

Another Dr Appt.

Ever feel like you have been down a road before only thing that was different is the people who drove by going in the other direction.

Well we were back at the Dr today and told him all the things we were seeing and dealing with.  Its the same direction with different actors.  IE different medications.

So we started the day like with this list of prescriptions

Stavzor 500 mg 1 in the morning and 2 at night
Benzatropine 1mg 1/2 tablet tonight
Clonazepam 1 mg 1 tablet at night
along with the benedryl he has been on forever.

How we ended the day

Stavzor 500 mg 1 in the morning and 2 at night
Benzatropine 1mg 1 tablet tonight
Clonazepam 1 mg 1 tablet in the morning 1 tablet at night and up to 2 more PRN
Hydrochlorothyazide 12.5mg at night
and Symbyax 325mg 1 per day.
along with the benedryl he has been on forever.

I am going to have to break down and get my pharmacy license.

I don't feel like the questions were answered.  All this is, is and educated guess of what cocktail may work.  We have done this way too much.  We don't know why Josh is the way he is or what combination of meds it will take to make him less aggressive.  Bottom line "lets give this a try.  Next appointment with different group of folks on the 27th.


  1. um... has anyone considered taking him off the benedryl? Gavin was on it for years, it added to his issues. switching to a different sleep inducing medication clonidine, made the world a better place.

    1. The Benedryl is not for sleep aide. It is for allergies and to help reduce side effects of another medication.
