Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Edition - Scary Times

I just called to check on Joshua and was transferred to his Dr.  He is still choosing to stay in his room.  They have taken him off of 1-1 supervision.  They are talking about sending him home tomorrow.  The only thing that has changed with his time in this hospital is his personality, and the direct aggression.  But they are not pushing him to do anything.  Most of his days have been spent with him in his room in bed.  So they really don't know how he interacts with others.  But they are going to send him home because he seems depressed when he is not in a family setting.  He will only eat when mom and dad are there.   How is he going to react when something is required of him?

Basically they are telling me that this hospital is not a good fit because they work with the acute situations and he has not presented the violence that we had before he was in there.  This scares the crap out of me.  The unknown of how he is going to be when we get him home.  His mental age has decreased while in the hospital as well.  Is that just the depression of things being so far out of the normal for him?  I asked all these questions and did not get a solid answer.  Basically I feel like we are bringing him home on a try and see situation.  She says if he reverts when he gets home it will be easier to get him readmitted.  I don't like the try and see type medicine they are practicing.   I will be glad to have Joshua home but worried for everyone's safety for the next couple weeks.

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