Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fathers Day 2012 Reflections

As a dad we compare ourselves to our fathers or grandfathers. As a Dad I hope I have exceeded what others thought I could be.  With my first child I was learning how to be a dad, as when she arrived they forgot to leave the instruction manual with her.  I learned real fast.

I have a vivid memory of Jessica's birthday.  We had a Dr appointment as the time was drawing near. Wife was already in labor. As they went through the paces they noticed that her heartbeat would slow to a near stop.  We saw a look of concern.  Seems like our little tumbler had tumbled so much in there that she had the cord wrapped around her neck.  Emergency C section performed.  I was there for the entire procedure.  Yep guys I could not be a doctor.  She was such a beautiful little girl, and has become a beautiful lady.  I remember working three jobs and falling asleep at home with her in the recliner beside me when she was just a baby.  Nothing much came between her and her daddy.  As kids become teenagers it is hard to keep those things that make dad stupid at bay.  IE Boys.  She is in a good relationship now and is happy in life and that is all we want as fathers.  For our children to be happy.  She still gets to me on occasion.  Seeing her all grown up, I am proud of the young lady she has become.

Jessica at about 3
Jessica @ 23

Now when John came into the world it was a different story.  The doctor based his arrival on that of Jessica's and told us C Section was the only way.  So with his due date so close to my birthday guess what I got for my birthday.  Again I was there for the entire procedure.  Convinced now there is no way I could have been a doctor.  Seeing him for the first time was just amazing.  So now a boy is here.  Guess what everything I learned about being a father was now only half right.  Again the education came pretty quick.  John when he was a little boy could not stand to get dirty.  If you let him he would change clothes several times a day.  All it took was a little spot on his shirt and he had to go get cleaned up.  Jessica and John were both well adjusted smart children.  They did well in school and had tons of friends.  John always had friends over for fires in the fire pit in the back yard.  He hung with a good group of friends and got along with most everyone.  Today he can be found at Ft Bragg serving our country as a US Soldier.  With each accomplishment these kids reach dad is filled with pride.  I don't have any digital photos of John when he was a little boy.  But will try to get some scanned and update this at a later date.

John @ 17
John @ 20

Jordanne, my third child brought a whole new learning experience for dad.  She was born with a defect where her skull had fused prematurely.  The way it fused kept pressure on her brain.  There were days she would be awake for 24 hours then asleep for 24 hours.  At three months of age she underwent reconstruction surgery to her skull.  I was a total basket case throughout the whole process.  After surgery I was in the recovery room with her. He head swelled to what looked to be twice the size it was prior to surgery.  As she lay there with all this going on her eyes all puffy and swollen I knew these kids were my heart walking around outside of my body.  I was the last one she saw as her eyes were so swollen she could no longer open them.  As she healed and the swelling began to go down, I was there and was the first thing she saw when she could open her eyes again.  Now I know she don't remember any of this but I will never forget.  Jordanne is the thinker in the group of kids.  She is quiet and reserved until you get her on a stage or around her friends.  I think everyone who has ever met her likes her.  She is currently going into her Sr year and is in top three percent of her class.  And she has that same ability to bring dad to tears with the pride I feel in being her dad.
Jordanne @ 3

Jordanne @ 17

This brings me to my little man Joshua.  The first three children taught me much about being a daddy.  With Joshua all those things that I learned were just primary to the college education he was about to provide.  Joshua give me a whole new definition of being a dad.  Not only do you have all the normal things that comes with raising a child but a whole new set of challenges that many fathers are not able to handle.  He is a beautiful little boy and can have such a sweet personality.  Then there is that other side.  He is constantly giving me new insight into my own being.  Many times I feel like I am failing him.  But when it comes to being a dad I can say Joshua may need me more than the first three ever did.  Joshua has clung to each of his siblings in order.  Jessica was his favorite she graduated and moved on to bigger and better.  He was angry with her for a while but moved on to John being his hero.  John I think will always hold favor in his eyes.  Right now Jordanne is his princess.  All three of them have had such an impact on his life and I hope they know just how important that has been.  Everyday with Joshua is different.  You never know just what to expect.  But I do know my life is richer because of my children.  All of them.

Jessica, Johnathon, Jordanne and Joshua.   I love you guys so much.  I am so proud to be your Dad.

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